Apr 11, 2008

My car went kaput today

My car went kaput today. After the drive from Chennai to Bangalore 2 weeks back, its today that I am trying to start the car. It started but with a huge rev noise. Initially thought that it could be because the engine is cool and kept waiting for couple of minutes but it never gotten alright. My husband stopped a travel vehicle and sought the help of the driver. He analyzed for couple of minutes and said that the fan belt ain't working well. Then later he said that there is a problem with the clutch. We will have to call a mechanic to see what the exact problem is and rectify it.

Has any one of you faced this problem when taking your car after few weeks? If yes, how did you resolve it?


abinash said...

Yeah I have faced similar problem da. But unfortunately with my bike. :( As soon as I buy a car and face similar prob will let u know abt the soln. Kidding. :D U must see a mechanic but I feel as u own it u must read the technical specifications for it as it might happen at a place its least expected leaving you stranded for hours.

Lakshmi said...

You buy a new car and my wishes in advance for that.. but don't think of it as facing the problem like mine.. Yes as the first thing am bringing the mechanic this evening. Hoping that it leaves me with just a minor problem. We tried to read the booklet given by Hyundai but nothing specific to the problem was mentioned in there..