Nov 1, 2007

Men are always like that ;)

This happened on a late evening last week. My husband and I were to vist our friend who lives near by. Our plan was to goto a shop to get some grocery items and then my husband would do his hair cut and we meet up at our friends place.

Now the reason for a hair cut near that friend's place is a different story. We have shifted our home to a new area and the old house has been currently occupied by this good friend and her hubby. Though we shifted places my husband is so comfortable lending his head for a hair cut to that particular beauty salon. Now you know why? ;)

My husband wanted to write lots of Hindi songs in his hard disk from that friend's laptop. So I had told my husband that while he cut his hair I would copy all the songs from him in his hard disk. He concured with me. I went to the friend's place first and then started tittle tattling with my friend. As we were doing the talking, I opened my friend's laptop and connected my hard disk to it and started copying all her hindi songs into mine. I disconnected and started engaging in a conversation again with my friend.

After few moments, my husband returned from the salon and my friend's husband who was away on his MBA classes also came back. All the four of us had good fun and laughter. Then we bid bye to our friends and reached home at night.

A brand new day was born and went on as usual. As the sun started to set, my husband opened his laptop to listen to the songs that I had copied in his hard disk. He was shocked and cleared his throat and called me on top of his voice. While I was to find out the reason, he said "Dont tell me you are in the IT for 7 yrs now. Can't you concentrate on one job and do it properly until the end?" I was puzzled and asked him why he was saying that way. For which he replied that I had not copied any song into his hard disk while I was doubly sure that I had copied all of the folder into his hard disk and that I had also given the folder a name "chitz" representing our friend Chitra.

Inspite of me telling him that I was so sure that I had copied, he kept teasing me that I was only
busy chatting with my friend and never did the simple task properly. I felt embarassed and messaged my friend that I incorrectly copied the songs into her laptop again thereby creating a duplicate. She had laughed out loud in her reply message. Then I started doing my routine work again. After few moments, my husband asked me the name of the folder and I replied saying Chitz. He wanted me to spell it and I did.

He searched for the folder again and to his surprise it was there :-) .. He said yippie I found the folder now in the hard disk. He profoundly apologized with a lot of "sorry" repeating :-). I was never ready to compromise as I remembered his words very well that he had uttered a few mins back. Then I made him admit that whatever I had done was correct and that it was his carelessness that made him do an incorrect search. Also I proved a point of me being in the IT for 7+ years.

Finally our note ended on a good laughter and we started teasing each other.. lol.. Now you know why I said "Men are always like that.." Just put the blame on the better half and they keep moving on.. :-)


Unknown said...

hehe:D made me really laugh laks:)

Lakshmi said...

hahaha.. this was how it ended too.. we finally laughed our lungs out hahaha..

Anonymous said...

heehehhheheh am jus readin the full version now.. !! :):)
i agree with u.. !! MEN Will be mEN heheh :))

Lakshmi said...

Jay! Expect the same with Anand too.. lol

Meenu said...

ha ha ha!! i kno they alwys like men!! am not married ..but then heard of few other stories like urs.. good one..though it was from ur personal dairy, stil it was interesting!!! keep blogging!

Lakshmi said...

hahahah.. dont worry Meenakshi.. your day is not so far.. lol.. ;)