The Jack Russell Terrier is a perky, merry, devoted, and loving dog. Spirited and obedient, yet absolutely fearless. Careful and amusing, he enjoys games and playing with toys. Friendly and generally kind to children who have been taught not to tease or strike the dog. They are intelligent, yet willful and determined. They can be slightly difficult to train and need a firm, experienced trainer. The Jack Russell can be aggressive with other dogs if not well trained and socialized.
These dogs are easy to have in a small apartment too unlike the other big dogs. For example, I have a labrador retriever and he is 5.5 yrs old now. I am finding it difficult to have in him my apartment as I feel he needs more space to move around. To compensate on this he is being taken for walking atleast 3 times a day. So Jack Russell Terrier would be the best bet for having in apartments. I am it will be a treat for the dog lovers that live in apartments.
cute the dogie looks laks:) nice post:)
yeah seriously.. very cute it looked in the tv show too :) I became its fan ;)
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