Being an Indian, I must admit that Singapore rocks. They are highly sophisticated in terms of infrastructure. They are a very well planned country with clean neatly laid roads and proper maintenance of drainage system.
Even with heaviest rainfall this country can never be flooded as there are reservoirs found in every area of Singapore.. Coming to the traffic aspect of this country, many people in this country are able to afford a car though they have huge amount as vehicle insurance, road tax, etc. The traffic is very well regulated with 24 hrs signal and when I say that let me also add that they have revolving cameras and high end montoring cameras every 100mts in the road.
For littering the fine charged is $1000 SGD or corrective work order. For smoking in train and stations, the $500 SGD. Am trying to communicate a very important point here. This country is highly disciplined, rules are followed and they are because of these stringent rules and the penalties laid. Hence the whole 40 lakhs population are forced to follow the rules strictly without with surviving in Singapore is close to impossible. This is my profound opinion.
Having been in Singapore now for more than a year I would call this country the most safest country to dwell in. I can walk in the roads at 3 am in the morning without feeling insecured and uncomfortable. The same thing I dont think I can afford to do in India where crime rate is growing in a faster rate.
I can go on and on and on about Singapore. To conclude, Singapore rocks. Its a city of peace, comfort and happiness. Love you Singapura!
will write more about this country as when I find more interesting stuff!
East or West, Singapore is the best..
absolutely.. no second thoughts..
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