Jun 16, 2008

Bangalore Traffic

Bangalore traffic is world known for its congestion. After the new Government is formed, people are hoping that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. The Government is also trying their best to build over bridges that spawns several kilometers and involved in road widening. Above all, we must obey traffic rules and refrain from rash driving. This is the most important aspect today. If we are disciplined enough on the roads, other things wont matter much. So with so many infrastructure facilities hitting Bangalore, let us hope and co-operate in ensuring smooth traffic and follow lane discipline, use indicators wherever necessary and avoid overtaking at bends and from the left side of the vehicle.


abinash said...

I liked the post for it has both the sides but would like to add to it.
A government can not change our life style nor the traffic condition. Of course it can alleviate the pain for a small time. Its like a pain killer where in you need anti biotics. Its not the lengthy flyover or the widened road that can help much. Its the attitude we have. The way we behave. The way we look at other. The way while driving we expect other on the road to drive. If we do instill these expectations in ourselves first every problem will be solved.

Lakshmi said...

thats exactly what i have tried to say in my post. It is the individual's social responsibility to drive carefully and obey the traffic rules. While we follow them at other countries, we royally fail to follow them in our home country. The main reason is the penalty clause in other countries. The same holds good when littering on roads as well. Does anyone of us dare to do at our home? Then why the hell is a person littering the environment. You need not clean it up, atleast a person can refrain from littering isn't it?