Apr 29, 2008

GPS Unit

GTX Corp enables the new era of PLS Personal Location Services by means of integrating GPSCasting technologies. They use patented "round-trip" GPS platforms. They provide you a matchbook sized GPS unit which can be live tracked on Google maps from GTXCorp. They have exploited the technology to the best extent possible and this technology is used to track people, vehicles, good, crowd control, children, etc.

In earlier days, we never could even imagine about all these things especially the GPS that helps in tracking. Technology has become so advanced that these are possible now. I feel the whole benefit when you want to track elderly or mentally unstable people that suddenly diminished. The GPS unit can help in tracking their location. For that matter you can even track your property that is probably at a remote location. Going there all the time to ensure safety will not work out. The GPS unit gets you all the information you need at your desktop. The products of GTX Corp has information that are processed 24/7 through a data monitoring center that provides instant and real-time location information and movement history on Google maps. They also send a proactive alert to their approved subscribers if the wearer goes outside of a specific perimeter. So, what more do you want? Just visit the website and you will get to know more about the GPS unit.


Anonymous said...

We would like you to write for our products on regular basis & also we would
like to know whether you can create a sub page for spacify on your website.

Lakshmi said...

Yes I can. Please mail me the details.