Syed Salahuddin has said in an interview today that Pakistan is providing moral, political, military and diplomatic support in fighting for Kashmir. Though we know that this is what is happening, it has indeed come to light to the whole world that India is facing lot of border issues in Kashmir purely because of Pakistan politics. What are we going to do about it? Thousands of civilians and military police men die in this issue. In the interview the Chief also dares India on Kashmir and confirmed Pakistan's support in all their activities. hmmm...
It has been the fact since independence and nothing could have been done. Yet the only way out India can evade the issue with pakistan is a clear political and/or social hegemony. India needs to grow in power and influence like America and when will have the potential to change the political or socio-economic conditions of Pakistan from outside, then these problem will die out automatically. No war, no discussions can solve this. The roots of this problem has gone dipper into the genes of generations. [:)]
you are very correct. We can become super powers like China you know and they are the number 1 these days. They have the man power, top military equipments and what not. Only china has the power to defeat anyone. This is my gut feel. And India must become one.
Correct but m not agree to all extent. China has got a number of lacunae. But the most disadvantage comes in with the political philosophy. They are hard core communists and we are hard core in fact the largest democracy. How ever we have capitalized on the cold war to earn the friendship of communist power like Russia. Given that we can now grow ourselves economically and in military in a way to influence Pakistan. Still gaining the mass support from democracies like US to communists like Russia and now the improvements with Israel can't be neglected. SO Its possible. [:] But we have to grow in a different way not like China. What I feel!!
Hmm.... thats true. And the fact that they have improved in spite of the adverse natural condition is admirable. But India is not lagging behind. If you take in to account the growth in last 50-60 years, don't take a comparative account, just a stand alone one, India has improved a lot. But about this fact of converting population into man power, I must tell you we are on the verge of an evolutionary transition. Just day before I had written an article on it. Click Here to read it. India is going to be an independent market. China has proudly become the mass producer but they have not grown much in creating an independent consumer base. Most of the labor that involves physical effort is now being outsourced to china and they are producing it there to be consumed outside. But India will create a self consumer based conceiving a new theory in economics, where it will be independent of out world. So that day is not far. China is just like a software with bad architecture. India will be the one with strong foundation. Its not far. [:)] My feeling again!!!
I agree to what you say. Am saying India should also exploit its man power in all the fields. You must agree to the fact that China is number one in manufacturing and they have lot of tallest buildings in Asia and also they are competitive enough to compare themselves with their tallest buildings and currently building their biggest international airport ever just to accommodate olympics crowd. See their sincerity. Though we have improved on many facets we still lag behind.. This is my personal opinion.
Hmm. yeah. Agree. [:)]
finally :)
:) Yeah finally. Its hard to settle unless you agree when u r in discussion/argument with women. ;)
it does not only hold good for women.. but any gender for that matter.. lol
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