Feb 27, 2008

Google Page rank 0/10 vs Unranked

I was just wondering what would be the difference between a zero google PR on a page and an unranked page. Zero page rank means that the page has been evaluated by google and given a rank as zero while the unranked could mean that the page or the website might not have been evaluated yet for various reasons like the domain could be newly hosted, etc. I have a PR 0 in this website while many pages within this site has a PR of 1 based on the traffic to those pages. My new domain minimunch is unranked as it is a newly hosted domain. So when it gets ranked, I hope to see some PR there ;)


Anonymous said...

Hope you get a good page rank at your new hosted domain with a lot of hard work.....Good luck

Lakshmi said...

hi aravindhan, thanks for your wishes.. i will soon attain a PR :)

Anonymous said...

my blog have unranked too and i don't know why..

hanum said...

Google has once again updated their search engine algorithm and Page Rank on November 2009. This has caused great joy for many webmasters, while others are scrambling to find out what happened to their websites page rank.