Dec 11, 2007

How to convert the clip art image into a .png, .jpg,.bmp,.tif, .gif,.ico and so on

I was just thinking aloud on how to convert a clip art image into a .png, .jpg,.bmp,.tif, .gif,.ico and so on. I tried to right-click and was looking for 'Save As' option on that image. Well, it was not there and it was only showing ways of editing the clip art.

Here are some ways using which you can convert the clip art images to files your required and convenient extension.

1. Using SnagIt software - This one is a very easy to use, mark capture tool. You can mark the clip art image that you want to convert using this tool. The tool immediately opens up in the SnagIt editor mode showing your marked clip art image. Just click File->Save As and you are done! I presume that you can get the trial version of this software to experiment the ease of use.

2. Adobe Photoshop - Again, a very convenient and popular tool. I don't see a need to explain more here :)

3. Microsoft Picture Organizer - you can open your clipart with it and save/export your clipart to many file formats.

Am sure there may be other tools that do the task for you. These are what I know of. Cheers!


Yegnesh Iyer said...

You can also copy and paste the clipart into MSPAINT and do a "save as".

Yegnesh Iyer said...

You can also copy and paste the clipart into MSPAINT and do a "save as".

Lakshmi said...

yes dear.. MS paint too.. it never struck me you know..